Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!!

Roscoe loves to lay under the tree
Hauling the tree up to the truck

Cahl watches on

McCray and Logan hauling the tree out.

About a week ago, we went up into the mountains and cut down our Christmas tree. It was really fun to go as a family and ride in Logan's big pickup. We brought the tree home and decorated. Then earlier this week McCray thought that it would be cool to grab his bat and an ornament. Then he thought that it would be really cool if he smashed one of the ornaments with his bat! Then we were cutting out a manager scene from a magazine and McCray thought it would be awesome if he cut up one of the ornaments from Kella, from Romania. Oh, the joys of Christmas!!


Marci said...

Cyndi, I love reading your blog! It always makes me laugh. I can't believe you get to cut down your tree! That is so awesome!

KCJaques said...

Cahl is getting so big!! I miss that little guy. I am so excited to see you guys in a couple of days!! Wahoo

Todd and Jenn said...

I got your message and I was so excited to have your number that I forgot to call you. We'll have to compare boy stories when your here. I love hearing yours. Can't wait to see ya.

Marci said...

Cyndi, I am in need of you to make me laugh!! Where are you? Anyway, sure miss you!!