Friday, March 6, 2009

4 year old in da House!!!

McCray is now officially 4, as of 8:37 this morning. We had such a fun and busy day!! I can't believe he is 4, time is FLYING by!! Here are some highlights from McCray's 4th birthday!!

McCray, Cash, Parker and Heber. McCray's friends came over for a cupcake and corndog party.
McCray blowing out the candles on his cupcakes.
Playing "Pop the balloon" game. It was really fun. Parker popped his balloon first. It was really cute to see all the different ways the boys tried to pop their balloons.
Cyndi made the cake. It is a green and brown horse, if you couldn't tell. McCray really loves green horses.

Opening presents, he had waited all day long for this!! Sweet!!


Marci said...

He is so big!! What a fun day...I love birthdays! Miss you!

Marci said...

I forgot to tell you that I love your family picture. I wish I could jump right in there and hang out with you.